As you begin your home search, I will provide you with access to all properties in the Brokers Listing Cooperative® (BLC®). By constantly monitoring properties that come on the market, price changes and appraised values, I will guide you through this ever-changing market. When you find a property that you would like to visit, I will then work with the seller's agent to coordinate a day and time that works with your schedule. Additionally, F.C. Tucker has a wide array of innovative technology tools that we can use to make sure you never miss an opportunity.
- Every home listed in Central Indiana
- Most accurate data available
- See homes the minute they come on the market
- Custom neighborhood searches with thousands of photos available no where else
- Easy access to open houses, new listings and home vendors
- Enter the street address of any home for sale in central Indiana. You'll get price, photos, features, and more. Find homes for sale nearby with your phone's GPS.
Tucker App
- 100% of the homes, not just ours, every brokerage.
- New listing appear within minutes of hitting the market
- 6,500 Tucker-exclusive photos of over 800 neighborhoods=photo not found on any other
- In depth statistics and analysis at the neighborhood level
- Find every upcoming open house from every practicing company
- Create advanced saved searches and save your favorite homes.
- Sign up to receive daily emails with new listings
As a MIBOR member, I have official access to set you up on a custom search that will notify you of potential property matches. This system will send you emails based on your search criteria and time/frequency you wish to receive emails. It will also create a "portal" with a specific website address for you to go in and check on your list of homes that meet your criteria. Example Below:
The portal makes it easy to organize and keep track of listings that come to you. On each listing in your portal the grey icons on the left side of each address allow you to mark homes you love (heart Icon), homes that are a possibility (light bulb icon), Homes that you don't like (recycle bin icon) and make written notes (post it pad icon) See Below: